Monday 20 February 2017

22. Fake news fuckers, fools and phonies

The tangerine nightmare currently sitting in the White House thinks he has boiled modern news media down to a fine art - anything that praises his contemptible political moves is good and proper journalism, and anybody who has some serious fucking questions to ask, or has some worryingly catastrophic poll numbers to report, is 'fake news'. That smug fuck blasts out his embarrassingly revealing tweets about it, and thinks he has got this whole news media thing worked out nicely.

Unfortunately, the president of the United States of America is a fucking moron, because after a lifetime spent in the high-faluting business world , he still hasn't worked out the first rule of marketing - don't overexpose yourself, or everybody will get sick to fucking death of you, and nothing ages as fast as barked-out slogans.

The more the fake news tag is used in pointless, petty moaning about anything that doesn't side with a particular world-view, the less powerful it is. The more times it's used at actual press conferences, or in snide interviews, or in those idiotic tweets, the more it sounds like the same old song, from a singer who is all out of real ideas.

And it's been used a lot lately, picked up by sub-literate morons as a rallying cry against that pesky media, who dare to ask questions they don't like. While there are genuine concerns about phony news stories - which we used to just call bullshit - it doesn't apply to every fucking thing you don't like seeing on the nightly news.

It does have a simplicity to it, reducing complex matters of media nuance to a two-syllable war cry, but like any kind of mass simplification, it's still dumb as fuck. Especially when it's usually lobbed at large news organisations, who get rightfully hauled over the coals anytime they fuck things up, with a large set of checks and balances in place to ensure your daily newspaper isn't lying to your face.

If there is one bright light in all this fake news nonsense, it's that it has become a useful shortcut to figuring out if somebody is a fuckin' fool. The kind of shitgibbon who leaves a fake news reply on any news story they see online - and these days there is always some cock who can't let anything like reports of Dan Carter's drink driving in France go by without piping up with their useless two-word opinion - can now be easily identified, and roundly ignored.

Because while everybody has got opinions, some have more worth than others, and the most worthless opinions always come from fuckheads with their heads up their own arse, who don't seem to understand that the news isn't just there to reinforce their views of the world, it's designed to actively challenge them, offering up new information that might actually change their mind about an issue, once all the fact are exposed

Until now, it could take you a while before you realise somebody is a conspiracy theorist fuckhead, and you can only start immediately discount anything they say once they start ranting about false flag operations and Jewish cabals. Once this realisation is made, you instantly know they're a small-minded racist who has nothing to contribute. No mess, no fuss! Even better, the more you straight up ignore them, the more they hate it, so it's a good double shot at the fuckers.

Now it's even easier, because they can tell you they're a fucking idiot with two simple words, and you don't even have to hear them talking about anything else. They've shown their cards, and then taken a piss on the deck when you walked away from the table.

We all know we're all supposed to try and reach out  to these people, but fuck it, it's hard enough work reaching the people with a slightly open mind, and the barking fools can go yell at each other outside. It might be harder to ignore the President of the United States when he's echoing those sentiments, but we can also call him out for being a fucking fascist about it all.
- Ron Troupe