Tuesday 16 October 2018

Another break for pizza

It's been a busy fucking week, and none of the Media Scrum crew have had time to have a proper moan about things, so we're just going to go eat some pizza instead. Some of the pizza will have the finest gourmet toppings, and some of it will have pilchards and pineapple and spaghetti and whatever the hell we feel like putting on it. It's all pizza. It's all good.

Before we get stuck into that, we would just like to take a brief moment to congratulate all the New Zealand journalists who did a fucking stellar job dealing with the National Party leak stuff yesterday, which was an extraordinary event to cover, especially when Jami-Lee Ross undercut the whole thing with a string of strong tweets just minutes before Simon Bridges stepped up to the podium.

It all happened so fast, and was so well covered by all the big newsrooms. It was a fascinating and entertaining thing to watch unfold - when Ross straight up accused his boss of illegal activity, journos had to quickly make sure that Bridges got a decent right of reply at his immediate stand-up before they could republish the tweeted claims. This kind of journalistic ethics (and legal arse-covering) unfolding in real-time was brilliant to see. 

This story ain't over yet, and we can't wait to see where it goes next. We've got the pizza ready.


Added after today's events: Holy shit, you guys. Sometimes, this is the best work in the world.