Monday 22 May 2017

47: Canon fodder

Media Scrum would like to congratulations all the winners from the Canon Awards on Friday night. The victorious few were just a tiny fraction of the incredible amount of great journalism going on in New Zealand newsrooms at the moment, but they certainly highlighted some of the very best.

In particular, we'd like to congratulate Matt Nippert, whose award was one absolutely everybody could agree with, and the NZ Herald in general - as far as this blog is concerned, that's still the strongest collection of reporting talent in the country.

Congratulations also go to all those who were nominated - they might not have gone home with a plaque or little monument, but we hope they enjoyed all the small reunions and unbridled gossip that always take place at the event.

Well done to those who didn't get too drink of the free wine in the first half of the ceremony, before the bloody food came out.

And particular congratulations must be paid to the poor fuckers who still had to work in a newsroom on Friday night, getting the latest bulletin or newspaper ready, watching on Twitter some of their colleagues party it up while they're trying to find a photo for the fucking rugby. We hope you at least got some free pizza out of it.

The staff at Media Scrum still have three day-long hangovers, because we're such light-weights when it comes to the drink these days, so that's all you're getting out of us today. See you on Thursday.
Media Scrum